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Lab Grown Diamonds  Orloff Jewelers Fresno, CA Lab Grown Diamonds  Orloff Jewelers Fresno, CA

Lab Grown Diamonds


Lab-grown diamonds are pure carbon diamonds grown in fantastically-controlled laboratory conditions that simulate the earth’s natural developing process, above ground. The results yield actual diamonds that are physically, chemically, and optically identical to mined diamonds. With today’s technological advances, we’re growing diamonds that are free of conflict and socially responsible.


The primary distinction between lab-grown diamonds and earth-formed diamonds are the strategies by way of which they’re created. These lab-grown diamonds include actual carbon atoms arranged within the characteristic diamond crystal form. Lab-grown diamonds have identical physically, chemical, and optical traits as mined diamonds.

Lab-grown diamonds are formed in a matter of weeks – much faster than it takes for them to grow naturally on earth. For the most part, diamonds are then in the ground for a long period of time until they are extracted by a diamond miner. Lab grown diamonds are not mined or dredged, making them the environmentally conscious choice.

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Lab-grown diamonds cause less damage to the earth than do natural diamonds because they do not require the movement of any land, water, or other physical features. Instead of moving mountains of earth and large waterways, the lab simply places the starter carbon seed in a machine, where it grows into a diamond of the desired size. As a result, lab-grown diamonds have a significantly lower impact on the plants, animals, and land features of the Earth.


Lab-grown diamonds require less energy to produce than do natural diamonds. While some energy is required to produce the high temperature, the high-pressure environment in which lab-grown diamonds grow, it is not nearly as much energy as is required to produce natural diamonds. Using less energy translates into using fewer resources such as oil and natural gas. It also means causing less pollution and carbon emissions that can damage the environment over time.


Below-ground diamonds and lab-grown diamonds have the exact same costs when it comes to cutting, polishing, and inspection. However, up to that point, the costs and processes are very different. Below-ground, or mined, diamonds have a long supply chain and touch much more hands-on their way from the ground to a retailer. On the flip side, the lab-grown diamond supply chain is much shorter (and the process uses much less energy) by skipping the mining process.


Lab-grown diamonds are cut, polished, and graded exactly the same as below ground diamonds. The Four Cs of diamonds is the universal method for assessing the excellence of any diamond, anywhere in the world. Basically, the Four Cs of diamonds is how gemologists measure diamond quality and can help you choose the one that’s right for you.

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